FryOilSaver Co, Restaurant Sanitizer Test Kit, Quat Sanitizer Strips and Chlorine Strip Testing Kit, 0-200ppm Quat Strips and 0-400ppm Chlorine Strips, 2 x Vial of 100 Strips

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FAST TESTING TIME FOR INSTANT RESULTS – The FryOilSaver Co’s Sanitizer Test Strips enable you to test sanitizer solutions in a matter of seconds. Simply dip the strip in the solution for a couple of seconds, remove from the solution and get instant testing results
MATCHING COLOR CHART FOR EASY TESTING – Each of these vials come with color matching chart. This allows the user to quickly and easily test commercial sanitizer solutions. After dipping a strip in the solution, wait for the color to fully develop and then compare with the provided color chart. This chart measures 0-200ppm for the QUAT strips and 0-400ppm for the Chlorine strips
COMMERCIAL SANITIZER TEST STRIPS KIT – The FryOilSaver Co QUAT and Chlorine Commercial Sanitizer Test Kit is designed for the convenience of restaurants and to make testing sanitizer solutions super simple and easy. This kit contains 2 x vials of 100 strips for better testing
QUAT AND CHLORINE TESTING STRIPS – This restaurant sanitizer testing kit contains both QUAT and Chlorine strips to allow for easier sanitizer solution testing.
SANITIZER TEST KIT 2 VIALS OF 100 – This Sanitizer Testing Kit comes with a vial of 100 x QUAT strips, and a vial of 100 x Chlorine test kits.
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