Pop Some Champagne: Discover 40 Sparkling Champagne Recipes

Champagne; the bubbly wine that we associate with special moments, achievements, and celebrations. Nothing else comes to mind when it is time to pop something to celebrate a moment. And what a long, rich history it has.

Its foray into popularity could be traced back to the 18th century at the Western Europe royal courts. It was here that it became a status conferrer. It is said that Philippe II, the Duke of Orleans, was fond of the drink, so he made sure it became a drink for the French nobles.

Years later, the Victorian ladies got the champagne bug and decided to try something different from gin. Actually, a lot of marketing efforts went into this from the champagne manufacturers, and they targeted the women audience, and it was largely successful.

Now centuries later, it is not just a drink reserved for the insanely rich and nobles, it is now a drink everyone can enjoy and celebrate landmarks and milestones with. It has surely come a long way.

Enough about history.

The good news is that you can make champagne at home to include as a party cocktail or just enjoy on a hot summer afternoon. How can you make this happen? You are looking at it already – this cookbook contains more than 40 champagne recipes you should try out. You want to celebrate, let us do that!

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